However, by giving out these Amazon gift cards, people can actually buy REAL tangible items!! Not virtual goods, but real ones! I'm sorry, I guess I'm a little cynical. It's hard for me to understand why people waste money on virtual gifts like pictures of a gifts as opposed to actually buying a gift. Regardless, Amazon's strategy is a great idea.
By going to their website you can select the delivery method of your gift card. Either: traditional mail, email, print it from your computer or the new method of a facebook post!

In order to encourage facebookers to adopt it, Amazon is offering $5 gift cards to the first 100 people to send 5 of the MP3 themed gift cards to their facebook friends. It currently offers 11 different gift card designs. This will be a great option for those wanting to avoid the Christmas crowds, and for those last minute shoppers who forgot what month it was.
This is a great example of how companies (even online) are taking full advantage of the social networks and opportunities that lie within them. Overall I think this will be a huge success. I am already trying to decide who I will be sending them to for the Holidays! I mean what can't you buy on Amazon? Even the pickiest of shoppers can find something.
I think this is a great idea that Amazon has. I like it because Amazon is a huge company who has been successful , but they are still humble enough to realize that in order to be successful they need to ride the facebook wave.