Watch their commercial:
So far OnStar has developed applications for smart phones that are capable of monitoring gas or levels of battery-charge and also control the vehicles electrical functions such as locks, horns, and remote starting. With their new "Live On" campaign which is said to be safely connecting you in ways you never thought possible," they plan to expand their capabilities.
The Sync is a $395 option on some Ford and Lincoln models. It has voice activated commands which control cell phones and MP3 players. It will also dial 9-1-1 if the vehicle crashes.It offers information on traffic conditions, directions and other information such as weather reports and sports scores as well.
OnStar is taking it one step further and adding facebooking and texting to its list of infotainment. The system allows its users to have facebook messages and texts read to them in the car and they can respond back through voice commands. Sync isn't equipped with facebook access but will be adding a Twitter, Pandora, and Stitcher applications to its repertoire. They will be in the Ford Fusion later this year.
Ford's program has been very successful, so GM's OnStar is smart to take pursuit on this venture. However, is it really safe to be checking twitter and facebook while driving. It's already illegal to text and drive. Listening to weather updates or even texts read to you by your car are still distracting, You have to use part of your brain to concentrate on those, thus distracting the driver from the road. Is this new marketing tactic really as good as it is intended to be?