Obviously it isn't a real news story. It's just a parody, making fun of how dependent we have become on social media. However, it does bring up a good point. How much of your day is consumed by social media? Is it slowly taking over our lives?
I don't have a twitter, foursquare, gowalla, ning, or many of the other tools out there. I have it limited to facebook and this blog. However, I have noticed how time consuming they can still be. I honestly can't recall the last time I've gone a full 24 hours without checking my facebook. And sometimes I can get really involved in it. I remember last summer when I was first introduced to Farmville, that was a lost summer I will never get back. I can't even imagine how much time I would waste if I was doing the same on twitter, foursquare, and all the other available mediums.
Well I found out how dependent I was on it today when classes were interrupted by a tornado siren and we were filtered to the first floor hallway. Thank goodness for those apps! I was able to check on weather updates on the Tornado and Severe thunderstorm warnings from the Weather Channel app, check on friends through facebook, and do research for my next class on my Safari web browser.
Although it can be a great tool in cases like that, facebook as well as my ITouch apps have taken a good amount of my study and homework time away. I've learned over the years and have gotten better. But I know there are students, and others, who are literally as addicted as the characters portrayed in the news parody.
Social media can be a great tool for businesses as well as consumers. It has changed the way we get news (who relies on the newspaper anymore?). It has changed the way we plan events (does anyone send out paper invitations for parties anymore?). It keeps us in touch with old friends and helps us make new ones. It has given us as consumers a whole lot more power.We are able to voice our opinions publicly to companies and are considered much more of a threat when we're dissatisfied.
So all in all, I think Social Media is a great thing! I just think we should start developing a social media maniacs anonymous group or something for those who can not handle its awesomeness.
What do you think? Have we become WAY too consumed with all of this social media madness or are we, collectively, using it as a superior resource and getting the most out of it??
And just in case anyone feels they are in need of therapy here is an article for you on how to cope: